August 23, 2010

The One with a Brief Hiatus

I know I've been a bit lacking in the blog posting department lately. 
It's not you.
It's me. 
I can't wait to get back to regularly scheduled programming. 
But for now, you're going to have to put me on pause again. 
Or I'm putting me on pause. 
I don't know. I've used so many cliche comments I'm confused. 

All those words to say Kevin and I are going to be taking a much needed ministry/personal/spiritual retreat. 
We'll be back home Thursday.
Both of us are looking forward to unplugging. 
And having all systems running full force just in time for the school year to begin. 
Pray for us while we're gone. 

And in the mean time, you might revisit some past favorites. 

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