Sometimes my choices are counterproductive.
Neglecting my time of uninterrupted devotion with God tops the list.
I believe I fall into the trap of "I don't have time."
I'm a person driven to accomplish.
To check off the "to do list."
To work feverishly to finish and move on to the next task.
Leaving me with no time to sit and savor the presence of God.
Did I really just say that?!
I did.
Because it's true for me.
(Though I rarely admit it.)
Maybe it's been true for you too.
But this week has been a breath of fresh air.
Spending time with God has rejuvinated my spirit.
Now, I must insert an excuse here.
In the past months I have felt the presence of the Spirit in nearly every moment of my life.
I've been learning the reality of abiding with God.
It is an indescribable experience.
--a connection I pray will only continue to strenghthen.
But that's not an excuse for not sitting down and resting in His presence.
Sure, He is with me in the moments of hectic rushing and busyness.
But he specifically calls His children into a time of quiet with Him.
A time to read His Word.
To express our feelings, our frustrations, our joys, our concerns on paper.
To use wonderful tools to connect more with Him.
--books written by inspired Spirit-filled individuals.
And most importantly, a time to listen to His voice.
We can't hear him in our hustle and bustle.
We must be still.
And today I realized something amazing.
I am called to spend time with God.
To enjoy His presence.
And in doing so I do not lose "precious productive time."
In fact every moment of my day becomes even more productive.
My mind is clear.
My actions are intentional.
And at the day's end, I discover extra time.
To go on a relaxing walk with my husband and share needed conversation.
To rest and do nothing "productive."
It's a counter-intuitive dichotomy.
But God's way totally rocks.
All of my devotional readings have been hitting this point hard.
I wonder if anyone else experiences conviction in these wise admonishments.
Oswald Chambers
"Beware of any work for God which enables you to evade concentration on Him. (that never happens does it?!)
A great many Christian workers worship their work.
The one concern of a work should be concentration on God.
There is no responsibility on you for the work [you do in His name]; (sweet!)
the only responsibility you have is to keep in living constant touch with God,
and to see that you allow nothing to hinder your co-operation with Him. (a high calling, but SO cool!)
Wherever He puts us, our one great aim is to pour out a whole-hearted devotion to Him in that particular work."
"We must build our faith, not on the fading light, but on the Light that never fails.
A Christian worker is one who perpetually looks in the face of God
and then goes forth to talk to people.
The characteristic of the ministry of Christ is that of unconscious glory that abides.
The secret of the worker's life is that he keeps in tune with God all the time."
And in today's reading in Sarah Young's Jesus Calling
, Jesus said to me,
"Keep your eyes on Me, not only for direction but also for empowerment.
I never lead you to do something without equipping you for the task. (Amen, anyone?)
That is why it's so important to seek My will in everything you do.
There are so many burned-out Christians who think more is always better,
who deem it unspiritual to say no. (*ahem*)
In order to know My will, you must spend time with Me--enjoying My presence. (wait, what?! THAT'S my duty?! AWESOME!)
This is not an onerous task but a delightful privilege. (amen and amen.)
I will show you the path of Life; in My Presence is fullness of Joy;
at My right hand there are pleasures forevermore."
Blessings to you today as you seek HIM.
What a great reminder. I think we all tend to get caught up in our own schedules, our own tasks, our own agendas.
ReplyDeleteAnd completely forget to take the time to ask the One who controls it all what we're supposed to be working on.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting article. Thanks big to the author.
ReplyDeleteI under impression. You good fellows.
Continue in the same spirit всоё creativity.