I've been a lame blogger lately. I'm not sure why. But you can't force it, right? Recently, I've been doing alot of tea drinking, Crazy Love reading, and gluten-free baking. We had a pork roast and potatoes and carrots last night. Tonight I made an extremely simple and very delicious and quite nutritious creamy vegetable soup--potatoes, carrots, onions, celery. I've been loving the workout tapes I got from home. I had a great time at home btw--lots of mom and dad time, and got to visit grams as well as Elizabeth & Owen. And ate ice cream. So about the workouts, I've been excited to have more variety in my daily routine. You know, keep the muscles guessing. And it's so true. Just when I think a certain set of muscles is perfectly sculpted (ha!) I find a new exercise that kicks me in the toosh.
Life's good. Husband is wonderful. God is great.